Responsible Tourism

Tourism is an activity and the process of spending time away from home-sweet-home in pursuit of pleasure, relaxation and recreation, which is essential for productivity in every areana of life. It is also the process of spending time for pursuit of business activities. Responsible Tourism and Transformational Travel are the requirements which needs to be practiced hastily post CoVid Pandemic. 

The Tourism, which is consumed in a way that minimize negative – social, economic and environmental impacts, that enhances the well-being of host communities and generate greater economic benefits for local people, that is maximizing the positive outcomes can be considered as Responsible Tourism. It is about making positive contributions to the conservation of natural and cultural heritage while embracing the diversity. 

Its an act of making places and environment good for people to live in and for people to visit. It combines Economic Responsibilities, Social Responsibilities and Environmental Responsibilities. 

Practicing Responsible Tourism brings about various hardships and challenges. By taking small & green initiatives, step-by-step our precious nature and cultural heritage can be preserved. Responsible Toursim is about willingly taking a conscious decision to travel with a purpose of maximizing the positive contributions. 

It encourages responsible behaviour and increased respect for the environment.  It encourages the economic benefits from tourism and create a sustainable long-term solution for everyone. Its about meaningful connections with the people and place as well as appreciation for the uniqueness of the place. Everyone of us are mutually responsible for preserving the local environment and culture.

“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.”

Robert Swan

Responsible Tourism is more than just a vacation. It is an opportunity to learn and appreciate the social and cultural significance of the places we visit, while still being able to enjoy recreative activities and create memories that last for a lifetime. Its a kind of shared responsibility. Let’s stary by being an informed and conscious traveler. 


Few tips for getting involved in responsible tourism. 

  • Become informed about the environment, culture, history, rules and regulations to follow about the destination you are visiting. 
  • Practice respect for all customs and traditions. 
  • Choose Eco-friendly accommodations that adhere to sustainable policies. 
  • Shun the use of plastic.
  • Respect Wildlife and Marine Life. 
  • Actively participate in Environment Conservation activities.
  • Ensure to leave a positive footprint at the place you travelled

Experience the world with a refreshed sense of responsibility and sustainability. Discover the sociological and recreative aspects of travel with a sensible approach. Let responsible tourism be the foundation for an invigorating journey of yours.